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Welcome to

Twin Valley

Vet Services

Your local veterinarians in West Alexandria, Ohio.

Please contact our on call Veterinarian at 937-533-5772 if an after hours emergency occurs. Only used and checked after 5:00pm.


We now have texting available! Please text us at 937-915-0492.

Payment is due when services are rendered.
Payment plans have been discontinued.
We ask now for a 24 hour notice on all prescription med refills.

New Clients

We know you will be very happy with our services. Our veterinarians and staff are devoted to staying on top of the latest diagnostics, treatments, and wellness programs to maintain your pet’s optimal health. Let’s work together to keep your beloved furry friend happy and healthy!

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Pet Services

Twin Valley Veterinary Clinic has modern medical, surgical, laboratory, and hospitalization facilities to accommodate both large and small animals.

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Pet Health Library

We are committed to providing you with the latest in pet health information. This information is for educational purposes only to help you understand your pet’s healthcare needs. Please contact us directly for specific concerns about your pet.

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AWESOME! The Staff, and The Veterinarian are SUPER FRIENDLY; and KNOWLEDGEABLE! After Discovering This Facility, I wouldn't go Anywhere Else! They Treat Our Baby WONDERFUL!”

Matt C.

Who We Are

Twin Valley Vet Services is a mixed animal practice located in West Alexandria Ohio. We provide affordable health care for large and small animals. Big or small, we see them all!

Payment at time of services. Accepted forms of payment are: cash, all credit cards, google and apple pay, and care credit .

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the best care not only to our patients but to our clients as well.
Meet Our Team


We know veterinary visits can be stressful for everyone.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation during your visit with us.
Occasionally, our staff has been subjected to disrespectful behavior and we would like to define our expectations for you more clearly, as we all work together to provide the BEST care for your animals.

The following behavior WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and may be grounds for terminating our professional relationship with you permanently:
- Yelling/Screaming
- Profanity/ Name-Calling
- Demanding/ Entitled behavior
- Disparaging comments (in person or online)
- Threats/ Acts of violence

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a veterinarian shortage in the United states?

Yes, with increase in pet ownership demand comes an increased need for supply of pet care and shortage of veterinarians with increase.

My pet is scheduled for elective surgery. What should I expect?

Please bring your pet in at 8:00 am on the day of the surgery. Your pet should not be fed after 8:00 PM the night before surgery, but please provide water. If your pet is on a medication or has any preexisting health issues, alert the veterinarian at the time the surgery is scheduled. Your pet should be ready to be picked up the morning following the procedure. We administer pain medication prior to every surgery, and, depending on the procedure, may additionally send your pet home with pain medication.

How can I find out what certain veterinary services cost?

Our costs continually fluctuate depending on the cost of veterinary supplies. If you have a question about pricing, please call the clinic and we will provide you with the most accurate estimate we can.

When should I have my pet spayed or neutered?

We recommend spaying and neutering dogs and cats between 4 and 6 months of age to maximize health and behavioral modification benefits and minimize negative side effects associated with surgical sterilization. Spaying a female dog prior to her first estrous (heat) cycle will eliminate the risk of the dog developing mammary carcinoma in the future.

What are your recommendations for pet vaccinations?

Puppies and kittens should receive a series of at least three injections prior to 4 months of age against viral diseases including Calicivirus, Herpesvirus, and Panleukopenia for cats (CVR), and Distemper Virus, Canine Infectious Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza virus (DHPP) for dogs. At four months of age, both dogs and cats should receive vaccination against Rabies virus. Vaccines are then boostered annually. Rabies may be given once every three years after the pet has been given two boosters one year apart. We also offer non-core vaccinations against Bordetella (kennel cough) and Leptospirosis for high-risk patients.

Do I need a current rabies vaccine to be seen at TVVS clinic per preble county health department?

Yes. Rabies vaccine is due at 1 year, 3 year, then every 3 years after that.


6676 State Route 35 East
West Alexandria, Ohio 45381

Phone: 937-839-4169 2nd Phone Line: 937-839-5000

Fax: 937-839-7161


Emergency: 937-533-5772


Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:00PM – 5:00PM

Twin Valley Vet Services

Please contact our on call Veterinarian at 937-533-5772 if an after hours emergency occurs.